Thursday, July 2, 2009

Local Heros Wanted

Are you a bold blogger? Do you have an interest in helping to create or find employment in your city or town for yourself or your friends? Here, then, is an interesting challenge you should consider today: Create a blog suggesting ways you can help stimulate local job growth then add this phrase as a header to your blog (but specify your own city and contact info):

"Help us create sustainable employment today in Ottawa, Ontario"
Point Person for Ottawa: 613-552-1090

People from any city or town in the world may participate. Almost 100 people will be accepting this challenge which begins July 3rd, 2009 at noon (Montreal Time). There is no prize for the winner except recognition by the members of this group. Hopefully, though, you will become the point person for opportunities in your region.

Peace and Prosperity, sylvain henry

PS You may also participate by sharing this note in your profiles or emailing it to your friends.

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