Sunday, May 31, 2009

Testing the Timeless Principle of Satyagraha

Using the First Google Meme to Test Power of Satyagraha:
(To see our progress, please click on meme phrase below)


I suggest a simple social experiment to prove that Satyagraha (The Force of Truth and Love) still works today. If you are daring, please participate in the positive petition today to help stimulate job growth worldwide to stop the global recession of 2009. Please try it even if you do have work at the moment. If enough people try it, it will work. If it does work and leaders respond, then we can use it again on other issues. Change requires taking action, this action is simple (it is a six word focused thought or prayer), this change will bring hope to many.

Positive Petition Experiment:
If you have a Facebook group, blog, or a website, please copy this message below with the exact same words so that Google Search engines will pick it up and it will become a Positive Petition. You may want to add your own email address if you wish, you may also add information on the skills you have to offer, you may also add which city you are in. The message will be picked up by the search engines (currently there are no search results for this phrase!) and the media can use the message as a global headline. This will change the focus of the world in a positive and constructive direction. Not only will government leaders pick this message up, business leaders and philanthropists will also take notice of us. Below is the message to our leaders:


Become a Prosperity and Peace Hero and post this phrase on your online sites. I hope that, with your help, when we search this phrase in Google next week that we will get one thousand search results. I have no doubt that if we repeat this phrase often enough, that we will attract the attention and assistance of those influential people who can help us make that happen.

Peace and Prosperity,
Global Community Builder

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