Social Actions and Events of Social-Activist Sylvain Henry:
Province-wide Letter Writing Campaign to Rene Levesque
Before the Internet was publicly available, Sylvain convinced tens of thousands of Quebecers in three days only to mail individual letters to premier Rene Levesque on November 15th, 1984. This date coincided with premier Levesque's aniversary as premier). The letters requested the premier to take immediate actions to help increase the employment rate in the province. The message off this grass roots referendum was simple, “Help us help ourselves find or create employment suitable to our education.” The effort was successful and within a week premier Levesque promised to make job creation programs the top priority of the provincial government and accepted to play down discussions and actions towards Quebec's independence till the employment rate increased to a socially-acceptable level. (Newspaper clippings are available.)
International Peace and Prosperity Event at Canadian Montessori Academy
Believing that peace and prosperity are interdependent, Sylvain organized a ritualistic event with the children of the Canadian Montessori Academy to show how we can sow the seeds of peace and tie this with fair economic development. The main speaker of the event was Dr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest man of peace in human history. Other speakers included the ambassadors of several countries. William Comanda, an officer of the Order of Canada and great native spiritual leader, lead the unique Peace Ritual. (Photos of the event are available)
Presentation to Gatineau Mayor and 17 City Councilors to Prevent Fluoridation of Public Drinking Water.
Sylvain and his 10 year old son, made a presentation to the mayor and his councilors to explain why it would be a serious mistake to start investing in the fluoridation of public drinking water. The effort was successful, thanks to a sound strategy and to many other collaborators, the result was that the fluoridation issue was voted out 17 to 2. (A short video of Sylvain's presentation the the mayor is available). In this action, Sylvain discovered the power of micro-volunteerism and micro-activism.
“911 Satyagraha” at Carleton University: Guest Speakers Dr. Paul Connet and Dr. Paul Zarembka
Inspired by the victory to help stop fluoridation in Gatineau, Sylvain invited Dr. Paul Connet (North American Anti-fluoridation authority) to speak against fluoridation to an audience at Carleton university's largest Hall (Kailash Mital Hall). Also speaking in this 5 hour Truth Conference were Mr. Kailash Mital (Donor of the Kailash Mital Hall) and Dr. Paul Zarembka (author of the Hidden History of 911) (Videos of the event are available). The guest speakers were all from the US and came to this conference on their own dime.
National Email campaign to Canadian Provincial leaders: A Family Physician for Every Citizen
Sensitive to the fact that millions of Canadians have been without family physicians for decades, Sylvain organized a mailing campaign to provincial premiers and health ministers to ask them to take immediate action correct the situation. One positive result was that the premier of BC promised that all his citizens would have a family physician by 2014.
STAR Debate For Ottawa's Mayoral Candidates
Sylvain and his 12 year old son organized a “all candidates debate for the Mayorship of Ottawa”. The event attracted 10 mayoral candidates and was televised on CBC and CTV television network. The Acronym STAR stood for the main themes discussed at the two hour debate. (STAR= Services, Transparency, Accountability, Representation.). Sylvain is a strong believer in a fair political process.
National Email Campaign to to Get an Official Response Regarding Chemtrail Spraying
No response was ever obtained from prime minister even though countless emails were sent out but one slight response was noted: for almost one month between June and July no chemtrails were noticed. This effort is ongoing until we get an official response from Prime Minister Harper.
Two One Hour Radio Interviews on CHUO-FM (Ottawa) regarding Chemtrail Spraying In Canada
Sylvain was a guest at a one-hour radio show special on chemtrails in Canada. The radio station also asked him to co-produce a second special on the same subject since it became popular with the listening audience. The guests in the second hour included Lord Monckton (an anti global warming advocate), and Michael J. Murphy (director and producer of the Movie: What in the World are they Spraying?”
The first achievement Sylvain is working towards in 2011 is to end secret geoengineering and chemtrail spraying worldwide by all governments. He will accomplish this through global micro-activism, social media promotion, a full-colour special edition newspaper on chemtrails and the co-production of a 2 hour documentary on the topic.
Sylvain created a safer and simpler form of social activism called the "Social Hologram".
Sylvain can be reached by email or videochat at
Social Activist, Public Speaker, Community Orgainzer
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