Objective for the Chemtrail Truth Week: To get our national leaders to give us an official response on the chemtrail issue.
Daily coffeechat meetings are being held in many cities for the preparation of this event. To help prepare the Ottawa event please contact Sylvain at 613-600-5323 or sylvain.henry@gmail.com
Action Checklist:
-Ask friends to post "Chemtrail Truth" news links on their Facebook & Twitter
-Ask friends to blog interesting ideas and solutions
-Ask friends to join our ongoing global online discussion on Chemtrails
-Ask friends to organize coffeechats in their city or town
-Ask friends to compose a chemtrail truth song
-Ask friends to suggest memes for the movement
-Write press release
-Make T-shirts
-Generate media list for press release
-Make new newsletter edition
-Promote chemtrail truth "action champions"
To help promote this event, please click on the Twitter Button below:
STOP CHEMTRAILS - Download designs for STOP CHEMTRAILS posters and leaflets: http://worldgathering.net/2010b/news317.html ---- GLOBAL SKYWATCH .. Great tips for anti-Chemtrail activism: http://globalskywatch.com/30-second-activism.html ---- AIRCRAP.ORG .. How You Can Help STOP Chemtrails: http://aircrap.org/how-you-can-help-stop-chemtrails ---- WILL THOMAS .. More good tips on fighting Chemtrail spraying at Will Thomas's website: http://www.willthomas.net/chemtrails/How_To_Stop_Chemtrails.htm