Press Release: "All Candidates" Debate and Discussion for the Mayorship of Ottawa on 10-10-10
In the auditorium of Ottawa's Main Public Library, on Sunday, October 10th, 2010, at 1 pm, the public is invited to attend a truly balanced and democratic mayoral candidate debate. This debate offers all candidates equal time and exposure to deliver a summary of their platforms, an equal opportunity to debate with other candidates selected at random, and an equal opportunity to answer questions from the on-site and on-line audience. This public debate is the first of several steps being taken by concerned citizen Sylvain Henry to help re-democratize government, starting from municipal governments which are probably easier for us to reach and interact with. Mr. Henry feels that, "Democracy needs an urgent upgrade in both its processes and its popularity. The best place to start upgrading the process is at the municipal level, preferably at a municipality which is also the capital city of its nation." The next steps of the upgrade will include equal media coverage and equal public opinion poll inclusion of candidates. "Money and media should no longer decide who and what is newsworthy, about who or what is best for us. The public should simply be presented with the main points about their candidates (preferably from their candidates themselves)and then make up their own minds as to who should represent them and tackle their issues. A better process may present all of us better people and ideas to chose from. Hopefully our debate will prove to become a key part of this better process."
Non-partisan sponsors (from Ottawa's corporations and organizations) will be invited to start off the event with some business and social "good news" bulletins for the audience, and for the mayor-to-be, to set a positive and constructive tone to the event. Judges of the event's "idea-bank" will collect ideas from the public that will be presented to our new mayor, once he or she becomes elected. All media will be invited, mainstream and sidestream. Only 200 seats are available for this free event, so the public is asked to reserve their seat(s) in advance. Citizens with mobility, audio or visual issues should arrive earlier.
Below are links to 4 of the mayoral candidates participating in this debate. The videos of the other candidates will be posted shortly:
To attend, sponsor, or volunteer for this event, please contact the organizer via email:
No more will good leaders with innovative ideas lose an electoral race due to lack of funds and powerful contacts. If you share the spirit of this message, please share this message.
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