I would like to welcome all the new members of our Mass Action Demand: Chemtrails.
Our group is growing rapidly (80 new members/day), worldwide, because this phenomenon is noticeable worldwide and because the UN is considering banning this activity in 193 countries (though the activity is still practiced by our governments without our knowledge or consent). People do care about the likely side effects of this geoengineering aerosol spraying because no toxicological studies have been done by our governments to assess the environmental, animal and human impact. Our mission is simple: we want to have explanations from the leaders of all our nations regarding their reason for this drastic and costly measure. Many anti-chemtrail groups exist on the Internet but ours is different because we not only collect evidence, we use this very evidence in our ongoing monologue with our unresponsive leaders.
Please Join Our Scheduled Actions:
November 7th(Worldwide): if you are willing to help us attract global attention to the chemtrail phenomena, a government activity that is now banned by the UN in 193 countries, then please post links of interest in your Facebook and Twitter profiles. (include the hastag #chemtrails with your link or note). This will cause a Twitter trend and Facebook trend and be noticed by the public, the media, and politicans.
December 7th(Worldwide): Our third email campaign to the national leaders of all countries will be launched that day. We welcome you to participate in it and take part in local leadership for this necessary cause.
December 9th(Ottawa, but worldwide with Broadcast): I am organizing a one-hour panel discussion for an Ottawa-based radio show on chemtrails. The listening range of this station is about a radius of 80 miles from downtown Ottawa, the capital city of Canada so we urge all our members in that region to write this date in their calendars or agendas. A global podcast will also be produced on that same day and distributed worldwide. I am hoping to invite @Michael Murphy (author of the movie "What in the World Are They Spraying?") to this focused panel discussion and I would appreciate it if somehow our members could help get him here in Ottawa for this historical event. I also recommend anyone who cares about chemtrails to befriend him on Facebook.
We must continue to grow in numbers:
We encourage you to invite your friends to join our group or else our governments will never respond to our questions. Please share this note or the link to our group with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, or any other social networking site. You may also copy this note and paste it on your wall so you may tag your friends. Dare to care and share. Thank you,
sylvain.henry@gmail.com Skies Of Blue team 613-600-5323
"Help us protect the purity of our skies and waterways."
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