Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Summit Socials for Recession Survivors

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills: From whence cometh mine help." Psalm 121

I am certain that every city has a scenic hilltop where people can freely meet each other to socialize in an inspirational environment, at least once a week. We need to be inspired in a practical way and scenic hilltop parks are a great location for this. Across the ages hilltops have been used by spiritual leaders from all faiths to inspire and help others in a practical way. Should technology fail to unite us, we always have hilltops to walk to.

In Ottawa, Canada, we meet at the Nepean Lookout Point Sunday's at 13:00 This location was selected for its scenic view of Quebec and Ontario, all in one glance. It was selected for its historical significance, It used to be a US Canada Border before 1842. It was selected for its performance potential, it has a beautiful 200 seat open-sky auditorium for performances and giving public speeches.

I hope you can find your own significant location to meet in your city or town. If you do organize one in your city, please have your friends videotape your Summit Social and share it with us. We will do the same.

If you are within driving distance of Ottawa, I welcome you to join us with your friends.

General Topics of Discussion at Sunday Summit Socials:

-Sustainable employment
-Secondary Economy

Here are some of the things we do, or can do at such Summit Socials:

-Barter: Exchange products, services, ideas
-Perform: Musicians, comedians, actors, public speakers
-Socialize: Make new friends, maintain old friendships
-Promote: Invite the media to the hilltop
-Exercise: Many of us bring some simple exercise equipment and exercise with others while chatting
-Create: Photographers and Artists love hilltops
-Interview: Employers can meet candidates in the open air
-Educate: Companies or colleges can offer some one hour seminars about their organization or industry 613-552-1090
"Help us create sustainable employment today"

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